PuraStat® is a synthetic hemostatic material in the form of a prefilled syringe.

PuraStat is intended for hemostasis of mild and moderate bleeding post ESD or EMR, as an adjunct, bridge, prophylactic or rescue therapy for intraprocedural venous bleeding or prophylactic therapy to prevent post procedure bleeding in Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding.

PuraStat is also indicated for the symptomatic management of Rectal Mucositis (RM), such as radiation proctitis that may be caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Catalog Number Description
CAT 621-062 PuraStat® 3 mL
CAT 001-099 Syringe Adapter

Hemostasis of mild and moderate GI bleeding

Therapy for intraprocedural venous bleeding

Prophylactic therapy to prevent post-procedural bleeding


Easy-to-apply transparent gel can be used in various procedures and with other closure techniques


Potential cost savings over current modalities

Significant time savings during procedures2

“PuraStat® can be applied in the general area of bleeding and does not require precise application to the exact point of bleeding. It was really surprising to see enhanced healing and formation of soft scar at the EMR site, 15 days post procedure.”

Pradeep Bhandari, Professor
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Endoscopy Department
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

  1. Subramaniam S., Kandiah K., Fujimoto A., et al. Minimising the risk of delayed bleeding in colonic endoscopic submucosal dissection: Is there a role for a novel haemostatic peptide? United European Gastroenterology Journal 2017; 5 (Supplement 1)
  2. Dobashi A, Sumiyama K, Gostout CJ. Simplified prophylaxis of mucosal resection site defects. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Volume 83, No. 6:2016; 1265-1266

PuraStat Ordering Information

Email sales@3dmatrix.com or call 855.4.3DM.MED (855.433.6633)
