Partnership & Collaboration

We provide a platform technology with a diverse range of applications. We are enthusiastic about forging collaborations with experts in specific fields to ensure we leverage the right expertise to drive our self-assembling peptide technology forward. 

Whether it’s academic collaborations, joint developments, or partnerships with companies and pharmaceutical firms interested in our technology, we are open and eager to explore mutually beneficial collaborations.

Currently, we are seeking partnerships in the following areas:


Our technology has a unique design which makes it suitable for its use as a drug and delivery system

The arrangement of its fibers within the peptides traps molecules and allows for a controlled release over time. This makes it ideal for a wide range of substances, such as drugs, peptides, proteins, growth factors and antibodies, and for molecules with different characteristics, like molecular weight, chemical structure, and charge.

Our proven biocompatibility and existing clinical knowledge, our peptide technology can be used across multiple administration routes, including topical, subcutaneous, intra-muscular, and oral methods.

As a well-known medical device company, we aim to share our extensive peptide knowledge and clinical proficiency with partners dedicated to advancing this technology in the pharmaceutical field.

Project Status:

Open to early-stage academic collaborations and advanced-stage collaborations including licensing out for advanced-stage projects

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In this project, an oral hydrogel-doped nanoparticle system was developed to deliver a small molecule model drug, Tofacitinib, to the inflamed and damaged IBD mucosal epithelium. 1111

This study, performed in collaboration with Dr Giovanna Lollo (INSERM), combines the mucoadhesive capacity of RADA16 with the mucopreventive property of nanoparticles.

This combination ensures precise control and sustained release of the drug on the affected mucosa, marking a significant step forward in IBD treatment research and showing a meaningful difference in reducing the disease activity index in drug and delivery system (DDS) mice models.

RADA16 acts as a controlled drug release depot that protects the drug from the harmful and degrading environment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, RADA16 properties facilitate the re-epithelialization of the mucosal epithelium, along with anti-inflammatory effects.

This oral combination system is proposed to have a targeted release of the drug on the damaged mucosa, reducing the dosage of the drug and the side effects following uncontrolled systemic exposure and inducing mucosal healing.

Project Status:

Open to license out.  Actively seeking for partners

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Our self-assembling peptide technology can be used for vaccine delivery. In collaboration with Dr Donald Harn (University of Georgia, USA), we have entered Phase 3 of an animal clinical trial for bovine vaccine to prevent human schistosomiasis.

A decade of solid clinical evidence, and our collaborations with vaccine delivery experts have given us compelling data affirming RADA16's safety.

This will aid in future regulatory approvals.

Project Status:  open to expanding our partnerships to cover a wider range of vaccine types, including nucleic acid-based vaccines

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We are highly interested in studying and exploring the potential of our peptide technology in tissue healing and as a supporting matrix for regeneration. Our primary focus areas are on regenerating skin, bone, and cartilage tissues.

The self-assembling peptide technology demonstrated its wound-healing potential in both in-vitro and preclinical studies. In the United States, we received 510 (k) approval as a topical wound healing agent for PuraDerm.

PuraDerm is indicated for hydrating and managing partial and full-thickness wounds, such as pressure sores, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and surgical wounds.

In parallel in Europe, in collaboration with Dr Patricia Rousselle (CNRS), we are investigating the underlying mechanism of our self-assembling peptide technology and how it plays a role in faster re-epithelialization. Our technology has shown matrix properties similar to collagen, with superior adhesion of keratinocytes, followed by quick wound closure.

Patent status : Ongoing patent application for the peptide-based technology for skin applications covering a vast range of applications (acute and chronic wounds)

Project Status: Open to collaboration. Open to license out

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RADA16 formed a nano-scale scaffold identical to the human extracellular matrix which enhances the bone regeneration process. Leveraging this, we are developing a Dental Bone Void Filler (DBVF), which has distinctively shown its efficacy in bone regeneration.

Animal studies and human clinical studies conducted in the United States demonstrated RADA16's superior efficacy in bone regeneration compared to incumbent products, and emphasised the superiority of RADA16 in fostering the formation of new and healthy bone.

These findings suggest RADA16’s potential for bone regeneration, free of infection and less invasiveness. A pivotal benefit to achieve better patient outcomes but also for dentists, offering the opportunity of higher profits.

The application of RADA16 in dental bone regeneration, stands out as a premium product, both independently and in conjunction with calcium phosphates or other drugs.

Project Status:

Open to collaboration for co-development of DBVF. Possible options: License out with milestone payment, Distribution agreement after product approval, Sell off the patent of RADA16 for DBVF

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We developed a proof of concept for full-thickness cartilage regeneration using IEIK13, part of our self-assembling peptide technology pipeline.

The pilot study revealed that IEIK13 acts as a valuable scaffold to support the in-vitro activity of articular chondrocytes and the repair of full-thickness articular cartilage defects when implanted alone or with chondrocytes in vivo.

IEIK13 demonstrates a clear potential as a matrix or scaffold for regenerating cartilage tissue, particularly in addressing microfractures, with a specific focus on osteoarthritis to potentially delay the need for knee replacements.

Project Status:

Open to joint development/license out

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Our synthetic self-assembling peptide technology can be extrusion printed with superior cell viability, providing a natural environment for cellular proliferation and differentiation.

Our work includes a Patent in collaboration with Dr Christophe Marquette (3Dfab lab, Lyon). We're actively engaged in the osteochondral implant printing project, as part of the H2020 Horizon Europe grant.

Project Status: Open to early research academic and industry collaborations

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Self-assembling peptide technology has been used for culturing multiple cell types in 3-D environments. As synthetic peptides are intrinsically pure, with homogenous batch reproducibility, they provide a promising controlled 3-D culture system for diverse tissue cells, as well as for broader applications in molecular and cell biology.

Synthetic peptides have been used for different cell types like mammalian cell cultures, liver cancer cells, ovarian cancer cells, airway epithelial cells, neural stem cells, and many more. In this proliferation activity, synthetic peptides have been found to be comparable to Matrigel and cells grow as microspheres.

Project Status: Open to early research academic and industry collaborations

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Collaboration Opportunites

Our R&D team is always exploring new innovations and indications to expand our products to provide healthcare professionals with better services and patient outcomes. To collaborate with us, please get in touch.